To All,
We have finished painting all of the perimeter walls around the complex and have started prepping the walls in the highrise lobby. All of the dryer vents in the highrise have been cleaned out without to many problems arising on that project… windows were broken by swinging basket on crane. The midrise has new outdoor carpet on all the landings. All the upper windows on the lowrise and some on the midrise were all caulked this week. There seems to be a lot expanding and contracting up there to cause some leaking issues. The 5 turtle light fixtures are holding up very well and the people from Mote Marine are very pleased with are attempt to bring our lighting up to code. We will make the call on 7/24 on fibertiteing upper lowrise decks or maybe wait till the fall for stable weather conditions to finish that project. That is all for now.
Tom O
P.S. I forgot to mention a milestone that happened on May 7, but I have been working at Mac Beach for 20 years. I must say what a pleasure it is to work here and keep your property up to Disney standards. One owner mentioned to me that they sort of thought I was like Ebb from Green Acres where I just sort of came with the property from the beginning. :) So what do I do to celebrate…..Go on a 460 mile bike ride from Natchez Ms to Nashville Tn. I leave this Friday and will be back the following.