Hello Everyone!

I hope you are enjoying your summer. As previously communicated, during the months of June, July, and August, I will be issuing monthly updates to keep everyone up to date on current activities here at MacArthur Beach & Racquet Club. June’s update is provide below.




MacArthur Beach & Racquet Club
June 2024 Update

Set forth below are key activities and updates at MacArthur Beach.

  1. Monthly Financial Update: The data conversion team at Vantaca has Sunstate’s April 2024 reports and they are working on getting the beginning balances recorded in Sunstate’s new system. An audit process follows that step to ensure accuracy.
  2. As a result of this transition process, Sunstate will not be able to have May financials completed in time for our monthly update. This includes updated A/R reports. They cannot provide accurate information until the data conversion component is completed.
  3. High-Rise Roof Project: After a longer than anticipated interval, the High-Rise/Mid-Rise membrane roofs have been completed. Tom Obermeier and JR&CO representatives conducted a final walk-through and all minor issues have been resolved to our satisfaction.
  4. Tennis Courts: The tennis courts are still scheduled for painting and lining in July. During the interim, a source for court benches and a table with four chairs to be place on the tennis court landing has been identified.
  5. Low-Rise Foundation Repair (SB-154): CGC will begin the repair work on the foundations under Units #125 and #126. during the next week. Once the repair activities have been completed, the Low-Rise Phase I Milestone Inspection required by Florida SB-154 will be conducted. Upon successful completion of this inspection, we will conduct a Structural Integrity Reserve Study.
  6. Windows Committee Status: We are currently negotiating with Emerson Chapelle, Dynamic Engineering Design & Inspection, to provide basic project management services for this project. He will be providing similar services as Malcom Daigle is doing for our Elevator Modernization initiative. His deliverables will be divided into two distinct segments: Preparatory Activities and Construction Activities.
  7. Declarations, ByLaws & Rules Committee Status: The committee is focusing its attention in two areas, our existing rules and regulations document and cost saving opportunities in the provision of Cable TV/Internet services. It should be noted that during Turtle Season (May 1st thru Oct 31st), swimming pool hours are 9:00 AM to Sunset. These seasonal hours will be referenced in our updated rules document.
  8. Elevator Modernization Project: As set forth in my recent elevator update, we are making progress with this initiative. Additionally, a fouth contractor, General Elevator Solutions, will be participating in the bidding process. Upon receiving the contractors proposals on June 21, 2024, they will be analyzed and a contractor selected and recommended to the Board of Directors. A contract will be executed and initial modernization preparations began.
  9. MacArthur Beach Homeowner Portal: Sunstate Management has forwarded initial Homeowner Portal information containing login and password information to all owners. It should be understood that this portal is still being developed and additional information and features will be added over the next few months. Until it is completely updated, the existing MacArthur Beach Website will continue to be available for reference purposes.
  10. MacArthur Beach Website Access: It has been bought to our attention that individuals were having trouble accessing our “Directory” on our website when using an Iphone or an Ipad. Sunstate Management has created a link on the “Residents Only” page to permit accessing the “Directory”. Below are the required steps to access the “Directory”:
    – Log onto “mymacarthurbeach.com”.
    – Under “Go to” prompt, select Community Association.
    – Select “Residents Only” and enter our password (ask Jack or Sean if you do not know it).
    – Scroll down to the “Directory” section.
    – Several lines below the Directory title, you will find the following link:
            “To download/print the directory”, “Click Here”

For any additional information and/or clarification on any of the updates provided, please feel free to contact me at your convenience.